Erik Westrum from State Farm and Family Supported Sanya's Adopt-a-Family for Christmas project:
Erik and Family supported Sanya's "adopt a family for Christmas project". Big thanks to Erik and Family for their ongoing support and for...

Interested in supporting CAP Agency Ambassador Sanya Pirani with her Hope for the Holidays project
Adopt-a-Family with Sanya: Click here for the link Sponsors (individuals, families, civic groups, churches, schools, and companies, etc.)...

Sanya's Christmas Bags for homeless children update:
Sanya is excited because with Lord's blessings we have only 40 bags left to fill. Talk about Lord's blessings today I went to Office Max...

Sanya is feature today on local newspaper about her Christmas Bag project
Sanya is feature today on local newspaper for her summer food and school supplies drive as CAP (community action partnership) Ambassador....

Associated bank- savage supported Sanya's Christmas bag project
Today, Associated bank- savage supported Sanya's Christmas bag project. Sanya have now 60 bags left to fill. Please feel free to share...

Hand written note for Sanya
One my co-worker Paula Streiff wrote such a beautiful note for our daughter Sanya. She also adopted a Christmas bag to help homeless...

Sanya's one of the Christmas Wish
Among many Christmas wishes, Sanya's one wish is to give at least one hundred bags of goodies to children in need. She is filling 100...

South of the River CROP hunger Walk
Today, Sanya was Grand Marshal at South of the River CROP hunger walk, she walked 4 miles. She also fund raised little over $1000. In...

Sanya Helping Latent -Village of Haiti
As you all know Sanya is feeding 700 Haiti people for one year with "Feed my starving children" she only have little under $26,000 left...

Sanya Spoke at cOak Grove Presbyterian Church
Tonight, Sanya was invited to speak to youth group by Pastor Mary at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church. In addition, Sanya's speech was...