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Interested in supporting CAP Agency Ambassador Sanya Pirani with her Hope for the Holidays project

Sponsors (individuals, families, civic groups, churches, schools, and companies, etc.) support a family for the holidays. Sponsors provide two gifts from the families’ wish list. Once signed up, sponsors receive the first name, age, gender and a wish list of two gift ideas for each family.

If you are interested in sponsoring for Hope for the Holiday, please note on the sponsorship form how many individuals you would like to sponsor. A family consists of the children and the parent, each receiving gift/s. For example if you want two individuals, you will receive 1 child and 1 parent. Sponsoring parents is not optional, so please include that in your decision on how many individuals to sponsor. Your financial commitment is approximately $50.00 per individual. Text or Call my mother for questions Dilshad 952-201-1920.

Thank you and God bless you.

Sanya Pirani

5th Grader from Jeffers Pond Elementary school.

CAP agency Ambassador for Scott, Carver and Dakota County

CAP agency IRS Tax ID # 41-0903890

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