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Sanya's blog about her philanthropic journey.

IMG_7105.JPG 2015-2-1-11:54:29

My name is Sanya Pirani. I am 8 years old third grader from Jeffers Pond Elementary school.

Today I am writing my first blog about my journey of charity work. As long as I remember, when I was little kid I was always worried about kids who do not have mother or father, I would worry who give them cloths, who feed them, who read them story at night and who would keep them warm from cold weather.

As a young child, my parents have given me 3 piggy bank, one was for education, one was for donation and one was for myself. I used to get so excited to empty donation piggy bank. On happy occasions like Christmas my parents will always encourage me to buy something for unfortunate child.

I suppose that made me satisfied to know that I am helping one child in this big world. My parents always reminded me that “You take one step to help others God will multiple your steps for you”

As I grow older, just empting donation piggy bank was not enough for me. Right after my 7th birthday I had an idea that I should make many book mark and sell them to raise money for unfortunate kids. My mother was at work I text her my idea multiple time because I was excited to hear what she would say. My mother responded after work since she was super busy, mother was very happy with my idea. Next day she talk to Scott County commissioner Barbara Marshall to find out what is the best project for me base on the need of the county, Ms. Marshall suggested fundraising for Crisis Nursery that is the reason “Book Mark for Help” project started. I fundraised $500 in less than 2 month by selling book marks.

I will continue my story later. It’s late my mother wants me to go to bed.


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