After Sanya's Speech at JP Elementary school and more
My teacher Mrs Sandau and principle Dr Warner told me that my speech about FMSC project at Jeffers Pond went very well. My hope was to get 20 student to join my team but I had only one firm lead that is Jeffery Mc Donald. I am still very happy because he committed to fundraise for team $2,050.
I also have great news that Governor Mark Dayton son Eric Dayton responded to my email about FMSC project. He is extremely kind and compassionate because not only he donated to my site he also said he will check his dad’s schedule to have photo session with me. He really didn’t have to go out of his way. I believe not all famous people are ignorant.
I like to extend my humble gratitude for all donors who have given the gift of money, time and knowledge towards my project.
Next big thing I really like to arrange is the 2.5-5k walk for FMSC project. My mother is learning online how to arrange a walk. Please feel free to contact my mother if you like to volunteer in anyway in organization of FMSC fundraiser walk.
Please pray for my food drive success, you know I organized food drive for entire Scott and Carver County. Please donate nonperishable food items to any Scott and Carver County library as well as BMO Harris bank in Shakopee. Thanks
I can’t think any more because I am sick today that why I have postponed my FMSC information session at Prior Lake library. We tentatively reschedule it for June 30th at 10am.
Talk to you later.