Sanya Pirani's Charity Projects
This is Sanya's Old website, she created as 7-8 year old.
Please visit Sanya's new website:

Sanya is a singer, song writer, composer of one my own song, and story writer. Some of her poems and songs have been published to local the newspaper. Sanya loves reading books, writing stories, swimming, skating, playing piano and likes to play kickball. Sanya was a Junior Naturalist until 2015 at Jeffers Pond Elementary School. she is in school Choir.
Additionally, Sanya enjoys volunteer work that includes Prior Lake library, junior volunteer at church, and she is full time fundraiser for her various projects. She has made 'get well' cards for senior citizens and has personally delivered the cards to them in hospital, she recently made "Thank you cards for US soldiers" with her classmate She is always thinking of fun ways to raise money few weeks ao she sold 100 MNMs and raised over $500, currently her "Compassionate Jar" project is in progress. She is constantly thinking ways to help humanity locally and around the world, people who do not have basic necessity of life.
Sanya's current project is "Reach for the Stars in you" for Feed My Starving Children which will feed food village of 700 people for one year and CAP agency project.
Sanya have been volunteering with CAP Agency since Oct 2013. She supported “Crisis Nursery” via Sanya's project called “Book Mark for Help.” Through this project she have raised $500. Then she started a food drive and school supplies drive in the summer in collaboration with the Scott County libraries and Carver County library and raised 709 -1300 lbs. of food for the Food Shelf of both Counties. She have started the project called “Teaching Compassion via Compassion Jars.” she made business size and individual size compassion jars so businesses can leave it at their cashier counters for customers to share their loose change for people who are less fortunate. The same concept was used for individuals and families with parents trying to teach their children the concept of generosity and compassion. Parents can give them this jar to share their pocket money or part of their earnings. She also bought a vending machine to raise money but so far no businesses have offered to keep that machine (100% of the proceeds will go to CAP agency projects). Sanya brought a rainbow loom for fundraising if people are interested in using it to support your own local community. Sanya started the project called "Christmas Bags for God's Children" she sewed over 100 bags for homeless children filled with school supplies and toys (115 bags were for children and 28 for staff). Sanya also have partner with "Hope for the holiday program" she and her team adopted families for Christmas and brought them toy of their choose. Sanya received "Leadership Service Award" from CAP agency and also received "Exceptional Youth in Philanthropy Award" from Association of fundraising Professionals- Minnesota.
CAP Ambassador Fundraising and March Food Drive Report April 2016
See details of her fundraising for CAP Agency and others on Sanya's blog
Sanya humbly thank to all who supported and who continue to support her. Please feel free to e-mail at dilshadpirani@hotmail.com for more questions. Also, visit CAP agency website for all updated information about Sanya's new initiatives "Community service award" and "The Ambassador Compassion Challenge".
Sanya received the "Lakers Pride Award" from Prior Lake School in 2014 for her philantropic efforts, she received the "Star of the North"award from Congressman John Klein on Feb 17, 2015 for the extraordinary acts of service and random acts of kindness. Sanya also received "Certificate of recognition for excellent community and to the global effort of FMSC" from Governor Mark Dayton on Febuary 25, 2015. She received appreciation letter from President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and Senator Al Franken (See details on Sanya's Face book Page).
SANYA Featured in Newspapers and TV

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