Sanya Pirani's Charity Projects
This is Sanya's Old website, she created as 7-8 year old.
Please visit Sanya's new website:

Sanya with Scott County Commissioner Barbara Marschal and CAP's staff
The greatest need is still food and shelter for families who are homeless or in need of additional food to feed their families. The food shelf serves families – adults and children.
Sanya is raising over $10,000 for the CAP Agency -Food Shelf, head start program, Hope for the holiday program and Crisis Nursery program. If you would like to help our local people who are under privileged, homeless, and families who are in unfortunate situations, please help and donate to the food shelf at the CAP website.
You can make a one-time or monthly donation. Just $10 buys $60 worth of food for the food shelf. Your money goes a long way. If you like to donate
Non-perishable food items for Sanya's fundraising please contact: Joseph P. Vaughan-VP Office (952) 402-9849
Cell (612) 709-7513-email: jvaughan@capagency.org
In the "Tribute or Memorial Dedication" box, please type "Sanya Pirani's fundraising."
All donations are tax deductible.
Thank you!!
God Bless you!!
CAP Agency

Sanya's Team, Teacher and FMSC staff on Kickoff Fundraising Event
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) strives to eliminate starvation in children throughout the world by providing food to God's children.
I strongly believe what my mother has always said to me: "You dream big with a pure heart, and your dream will come true with hard work and determination." I truly believe that with focus and determination, we can feed the entire village of Letant, Haiti. That is 700 people fed for one year and would require $56,210. My dream is to make this a reality.
I would like to recognize my team members for village, including Jaeda who raised $500.20, Andrea who raised $572.20, Mathew who raised 549.20 and Haley who raised $639.20 each. I have raised over $24000.
If you would like to join my project, please go to the Feed My Starving Children website by clicking the "donate" button below and go to "Join Team" . Imagine the difference we could make for the unfortunate children in the world if we work together and help them.
Thank you!!
God Bless you!!