Sanya's Compassion Jar hero:
Ali's Market owner Mr Ahmed Sundrani is Sanya's Compassion Jar hero. He is one of the biggest support of Sanya's Charity work. His store...

Sanya Pirani introduces new community service award-from Prior Lake American
Local fourth-grade philanthropist Sanya Pirani of Prior Lake has been a CAP Ambassador for Scott, Carver and Dakota Counties since...

We are thankful for the commitment volunteers make to CAP Agency and rely on their dedication to maintain high standards of supportive...

The CAP Ambassador Monthly Compassion Challenge
Sanya Pirani, our CAP Ambassador, invites you to join the Monthly Compassion Challenge! Criteria: Document acts of kindness for 30 days...

Youth Community Service Award
Youth Community Service Award From CAP Agency Ambassador Sanya Pirani Sanya Pirani recognizes the importance of youth community service...

FMSCÂ Packing Event-Check Presentation
I presented check of $1,100 today at FMSC packing event to Katie Olson from FMSC that brought my total to just over $25,000 for the...

Sanya's Celebratory FMSC Packing Event
Today, we feel blessed because Sanya's celebratory FMSC packing event was successful and blessed. We packed 41,904 meals (194 boxes) that...