From Mrs Kay Dickerson (Sanya's fifth grade teacher)- WolfRidge "We are doing well here, even though it's very cold. Yesterday Sanya...

My letter to Sanya for WolfRidge Trip
My letter to Sanya I post it on 12/2/16 for Sanya to received it on Wolf Ridge. 12/2/16 My beloved daughter Sanya, By the time this...

Sanya now is on Twitter
Sanya now is LEARNING to use using Twitter: https://twitter.com/SanyaPirani1

Sanya love to finish feeding the village in Haiti
Sanya love to finish feeding the village in Haiti. Any amount will be great!! Your gifts goes long way $5 = serves 25 meals.At a $25 gift...

Sanya Serving Thanksgiving meal
Happy Thanksgiving to all our family and friends!! We feel blessed to share our blessings with you all specially those who are less...

Sanya Pirani's award acceptance speech
Sanya Pirani's award acceptance speech for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy by AFP .

Sanya Pirani pre-award video clip
Friday Sanya received Outstanding youth award by AFP and they recorded Sanya pre-award video clip.

Sanya Pirani received outstanding youth in philanthropy award
We are honored and humbled today because Sanya Pirani, 5th grader received award again today from AFP (Association of Fundraising...

Sanya Pirani received Leadership Award-Excellence in services.
We are humbled and thankful to the Lord for Sanya. She received tonight "Leadership award - Excellence in service" it was amazing night...

Prior Lake Optimist Club Supported Sanya's Adopt-a-Family for Christmas project:
Optimist club supported Family of 4 for Sanya's "adopt a family for Christmas project". Warm thanks to Optimist club for their ongoing...