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A Christmas wish keeps on giving

Today, Sanya Christmas bags story aired on local TV -Kare 11. If you interested to learn more about Sanya's local and Global projects via CAP agency or FMSC, visit her website to support her. Thank you and God bless you!! Kim Insley for believing in Sanya's work.

From Kare 11 website:

PRIOR LAKE, Minn. -- The whir of a sewing machine is just a hint of the project that started small for Prior Lake 5th grader Sanya Pirani, and just kept growing.

"It really started with my Christmas wish to learn how to sew."

For this veteran of community service, no skill goes unused, so Sanya decided to turn a hobby into a plan to help others. "I sewed 100 school bags for local people who are homeless and still go to school and don't have any school supplies," Sanya explained.

With help from members of the Ridgeview Medical Sewing Team, Sanya got a pattern, expert advice, and donations of fabric.

Sanya and her parents also found donations of school supplies for the bags, which will be delivered December 22nd to school children at Sharing and Caring Hands in Minneapolis.

That still wasn't enough for Sanya, who decided something else should to into the bag as well.

"I thought I should give them something for Christmas."

The family found more donations- toys, games and other small items that Sanya and her friends packed into into those hand sewn bags earlier this month.

This project might be nearing an end, but Sanya has a lifetime of community service ahead of her. She's also currently working on a project with Feed My Starving Children to feed village of 700 people for a year.

Her efforts have already been recognized by Governor Dayton.

"When I see people suffering and people who don't have much, I think that's a big problem," said Sanya.

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