Three simple ways you can help Sanya reverse the course of hunger, help children go to school and be
795 million people in the world do not have enough to eat.
Every 10 seconds, a child dies from hunger-related diseases.
About 896 million people in developing countries live on $1.90 a day or less. 17.5 million Households in America, approximately one in seven, face food insecurities.
Support, Speak, and Share.
One: Support!
Donating directly to my projects online (see more information on my website).
Filling my compassion Jars as business, individuals or Family.
Offer matching for donations or ask your companies or club to match or donate.
Buy my “Book Mark For Help”
Sew with me and buy my school bags FOR $25 each.
Buy my “MNM for help”
Two: Speak!
Tell 5 or more people inside and outside your friend’s circle a story of how my work have impacted local and global communities. Read details from my Facebook page “Reach for the Star in you” and website:
Three: Share!
The impact and reach of the Networking is far beyond the local communities; experience by spreading the word of my work to friends, neighbors, or colleagues from inside and outside your school, business, church, and more or to show them the power of one is something they can be proud of, participate in, and donate to.
Who Sanya supports or where the money goes:
FMSC (Feed my starving children-Sanya is feeding 700 villager for one year-cost $56,210) FMSC IRS Tax ID # 41-1601449. You write check directly to Aga Khan Foundation, make sure to write in the memo Sanya’s project Mail that check to Attn: Katie Olson: 401 93rd Ave NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433
CAP Agency Youth Ambassador (Help educate, create awareness and fundraise for local communities). CAP agency IRS Tax ID # 41-0903890. You can write check directly to CAP
Agency Shakopee, make sure to write in the memo Sanya’s project Mail that check to Attn: Joseph P. Vaughan -712 Canterbury Road S, Shakopee MN 55379
AKF (Aga Khan Foundation- Help with microfinancing for impoverished villagers). Please go to my website to donate.
CROP hunger walk. Please go to my website to donate.
Remember, Power of One
Thank you and God bless you!!!