Sanya's updates for "WE" Day
“You never fail until you stop trying” –Albert Einstein
“I strongly believe every child deserves basic human rights like food, shelter, safety, clothes and education”. As my mission statement reflects my desire to bring positive change in marginalized communities and impact their daily life.
I was 7 years old when I first thought of helping my local community. My mother was at work and I texted her multiple times. My ideas were to make 100 book marks and sell them for $5 each. I made $500 in a month. I called the project “Book Mark for Help” this project was for local Crisis Nursery via CAP agency.
After that successful project, I wanted to help the global community. I decided to start the “Reach for the Star in you” project where I wanted to feed entire village for one year. I created team of 4 with help of my teacher and principle. That project is feeding 700 people for one year that requires $56,210. We fund raised over $25,000.
In 2015-2016 I ran the “Compassion Jar” project and raised over $3000 for CAP Agency (Community Action Partnership agency).
In summer 2015 and 2016, I organized food packing event and called it “Turn hunger into hope”
In summer 2015, I ran successful food drive with partnership of 7 local libraries.
In spring 2016, I ran the “Food Share campaign” with partnership of 2 local day cares.
In summer 2016, I ran successful food and school drive with partnership of 21 local libraries.
In summer 2016, I walked for AKF (Agan Khan Partnership walk). I fund raised $500 for a micro financing loan. I was also speaker for “Village in action”
In October 2016, I will be the Grand Marshall for CROP Hunger walk- My goal is to fund raise $1000 I am close to reaching my goal. I am at $400.
In 2015-2016 have done over 10 speaking events including schools and multiple churches to inspire the youth for community services.
In summer 2016 my goal was to sew 100 school bags and take them to homeless shelters. I finish making 85 bags. A Local church partnered with me to fill up my school bags with school supplies. I hope to deliver it within a month to local homeless shelters.
Impact of my work goes far beyond the local communities, I strongly believe in inspiring and empowering youth to be the help Ambassador. I would like a chance to collaborate with you to build better stronger communities.There is much more I have done.
I like to finish by quoting Mother Teresa
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”