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Sanya was invited as a guest speaker at Spirit of Life Church in Apple Valley MN

Today, Sanya was invited as a guest speaker at Spirit of Life Church in Apple Valley MN. Her message was "Power of One, using generosity of time, knowledge, and resources to feed and educate GOD's children". In addition Sanya local projects are Food and School supply drive as well as 100 school bags for local children in need for CAP agency. Her global project is via FMSC, She also have " Book Mark for help" and "compassion jar project" to raised money to feed her village in Haiti and help CAP agency various programs like crisis nursery, head start and more.

Note from Pastor Rob's FB page- Spirit of Life Church in Apple Valley MN

It is wonderful how God works. Sanya Pirani will be a fifth grader and is extraordinary in her call to help feed a village of 700 people. Her calling to feed others began when she was eight years old when she saw a horrific story on the news. Through prayer, she was called to make a difference. A story you won't want to miss, and a great Sunday for all of our children to be present for the sermon. Peace of the Lord be with you and see you on Sunday. Pastor Rob

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