CAP (Community Action Partnership) Agency- Sanya's Local Project
I am fundraising for CAP (Community Action Program) agency as my Thank you for their 50 years of devoted service to our community.
There are various ways I fundraise for them. Here are some examples:
I made compassions jars for the local business so people could donate their loose change if the wish to. Also, I made individual or family size compassion jars for individuals for families to show their support.
I also made over 150 book marks to sell. They are $5 each.
I am selling Eileen's Colossal Cookies (Dough –Bakes 3 dozen cookies = $20 Single cookie= $3 Frosted or Plain dozen cookies = $10)-email my mother for details.
All proceeds goes to CAP agency which coves Scott county, carver county and Dakota county’s food shelf and Crisis Nursery.
Here how community can help:
For Business owners: You can keep my "Compassion Jar" to your store, business or office to collect gifts
For Individuals or Family: You can keep my " Family size Compassion Jar" to your home to collect gifts to teach your kids about Generosity, kindess and compasion.
Buy my "Book Mark For Help"
You write check directly to CAP Agency Shakopee, make sure to write in the memo Sanya’s project Mail that check to Attn: Joseph P. Vaughan -712 Canterbury Road S, Shakopee MN 55379
To Donate online: Go to my website, click projects and it will take you to Donate tab for CAP agency:
Why Should You Help Me To Help Impoverished:
Did you know one in 10 Minnesotans or more than 500,000 state residents experience food insecurity on regular bases. In Minnesota everyday 3,500 children are served by food shelves. I decided to turn hunger into hope by fundraising $1000 for CAP AGENCY (Community Action Program). Did you also know when you donate $10 CAP agency could by $60 worth of food items that means $1000 = $6000 worth of impact on the community.
For more question or for your support contact my mother Dilshad at
Thank you for considering to help.