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Feed My Starving Children Celebratory Packing Event.

Barb (FMSC director) suggested to my mother quite a while ago that whenever Sanya's reached her fundraising goal to $16,000, packing event would be perfect as celebration of big achievement. My mother shared that information with me, I thought what a great idea of not only to celebrate but also provide community services through packing food for poor.

Me and my mother immediately got busy in organizing that event, I also told my mother that what if we invite my favorite famous people like Governor Dayton, Senator Klobuchar, Senator Franken and Congressman John Klein. My mother asked me, why I would like to invite politicians I said first I admired them second they will bring good resources for my charity project. Mother smiled and said I hope your wish will come true.

Guess what my mother's prayers worked. Governor Dayton accepted my invitation to attend FMSC celebratory packing event. I am so excited because Governor is coming and nervous at the same time because I do not have 140 people yet to pack food which I was hoping for. However, my mother is not worried she said to me that " Sanya your desire and passion to help other and organization of packing event is already accepted in front of GOD. You don't worry because GOD is in charge of this event now"

I felt good after hearing my mother's words.

Here is Feed My Starving Children Celebratory Packing Event information incase if you thinking about having some volunteer hours or simply like to pack food for GOD's children.

When: Saturday, August 8 at 11:30am

Where: Feed My Starving Children 990 Lone Oak Rd #136, Eagan, MN 55121

I need 80-90 more packers. Lets Turn Hunger into Hope with Your Own Two Hands.

GOD Bless you!!

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