Sanya's blog about her philanthropic journey. (Continuation)
Now the real hard works began. I realized that I need team members to be successful at such a big project so I talk to my few close friends if they are interested to join my team. I was so happy that one of my best friend Jaeda agreed to be my team member, Andrea my good friend join in than Mathew and Hayley join in they all committed to fundraise $1000 each. I was sooooo happy that I had team. We finish raising $8030 on January 15, 2015 that means in 3 month we achieved $8030. I was very very happy that we fed 100 people of Letant-Haiti for one year.
On Jan 15, 2015 Jean Moore (Executive Assistant) from community bank of Chanhassen asked my parents if we could come to the bank to accept check for my FMSC project. We thought oh they will be donating $3500 which I was very happy about. When we entered in the building.. Oh boy!! There was Mark Crea (CEO of FMSC), Bob Steven my mother’s company president and many people in suit. We were in jeans.. Anyway they ask me so say few words about my charity project, honestly I had brain freeze, talk about embarrassing moment that was one for sure because my mother brag about me to Bob Steven. Anyway, I did say few words very softly but I guess that worked because I end up going with $7250 for my project.
Ok it’s now 8:00pm and my mother like me to go to sleep.
To be continue…