Head Start Awareness Video clip by Sanya
Head Start Awareness Video clip by Sanya. Sanya's Hope For Children and Team organized Head Start Awareness Event- 3/25/17

Senator Klobuchaar Video about Head Start event specially Sanya:
Sanya's Hope For Children (Non Profit Organization) and Team organized Head Start Awareness event partially funded by YSA (Youth Service...

Sanya's First Business Card as Non Profit founder.
"Helping a child means transforming community one life at a One". Sanya Pirani

Sanya had an honor to meet Heather -AFP President:
Today, Sanya had an honor to meet Heather as her mentor. Heather is a leader of the local philanthropic community & AFP President. We got...

Big thanks to Burnsville Lions club for donating $1000 worth of diapers
‪Sanya's Hope For Children and teams effort turned into great successful diaper drive for CAP agency Head Start Program. ‬Over 13000...

Sanya is also a great cook.
Sanya prepared the most delicious steak dinner served with steamed jasmine rice, baby carrots, yellow baby tomato, fresh strawberries,...

Sanya had an honor to meet Diane Lilly
Today, as her mentor. Diane is a pillar of the local philanthropic community & AFP award recipient. Thank you Diane for your time today.